Sunday, February 24, 2008

Let the Yolk Run

Nothing says Sunday morning like pancakes and eggs.  That first oragasmic bite yields and oozing yolk meeting sweet pure maple syrup dancing with the salty buttery goodness of the egg only to be highligted by the brightness of the citrus flavor.

 If you get up early and want to surprise your girl/guy with a nice breakfast, this one is super easy.  If you want to be a purist you can make your pancakes from scratch, they always taste a little better and you have more control over your flavor, but the quick and dirst way is with a good mix.

Staying in line with my goal to try to eat as much whole grain as possible I picked up this Kodiak Cakes, Whole Wheat, Oat & Honey mix and it's pretty damn good.  With this stuff all you need is BUTTER, S+P,WATER, AND 1-2 ORANGES  and you are good to go!  The mix just needs water (I usually add a little cinammon and pure vanilla extract to give it a tad more flavor).  If you can flip a flapjack and fry an egg over-easy you are in business. 

The only kind of challenging thing here with this presentation is sectioning the oranges.  The people at do a good job of walking you through it.  As always the difference between just plain food and having a pleasing culinary experience really comes with the care you take in presenting your food.  If you take a little time to think about a tasteful/creative/ playful orientation of your food on the plate it can change the perception of the person you are serving.  Instead of the plate saying "Here is some food, eat that shit..." a well presented plate says "Bon Appetite!"  DON'T BE AFRAID TO MAKE YOUR FOOD LOOK AS GOOD AS IT TASTES.

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